Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Finally I completed the challenges on slyfx.com ..... today after Tom posted something about Java, i decided to have one more go at the final challenge, 20 minutes later I was done .... now hopefully the people on that site come back and write the new levels.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Eclipse + PHP

If anyone is using Eclipse with the PHPeclipse plugin and you want to disable the at times frustating auto completing of quotes follow these steps:-

Windows -> Preferences -> PHPeclipse -> PHP, then select the Typing tab and uncheck the two options to enable closing of quotes

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


This PHP framework is probably one of the easiest frameworks to get your head around. It was released a couple of days ago and it has been real impressive. Though relatively new it has a lot of the standard features while offering new stuff like Image Manipulation, Email Class, Encryption, Benchmarking etc. The best part about it is the low learning curve. As part of an experiment I recoded the entire CougarCS library with it and it was quite a pleasant experience.

Replacing the library with this code is another issue, but it was done real quick

Have a go at it here ==> CodeIgniter